BSI Webinars


BSI is launching a series of Webinars (Web-utorials). The webinars are free of charge for all at the time of first broadcast. After the first broadcast, Webinars will be available for BSI members only.


Next Webinar: To be announced here


The Webinars are broadcasted at the given date/time only. BSI Members will have access to the recordings at a later stage.


Recording of the most recent Webinar of 21 December 2024 is available as below:


Make also sure to check the information on Global Webinars:

BSI Presentations

Presentations by BSI members that may be of interest to you


Owen A. Ung, Australia

Can 3D printers help breast cancer survivors? / TEDxBrisbane

Whilst silicone implants have been used extensively for cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery for many years, there are well-documented immediate and long-term risks associated with silicone. Pioneering surgeon, Professor Owen Ung presents an alternative new surgical approach that uses new 3D-printing technology to improve treatment for breast cancer survivors and give women more choices.

Gaurav Agarwal, India

Early Detection of Breast Cancer: Saving Lives and Breasts / TEDxLucknowSalon

Dr.Gaurav Agarwal illustrates the importance of early detection of Breast Cancer and how it helps to save lives and conserve breasts. He highlights the steps through which individuals can conduct a self-examination in the privacy of their homes and consult a doctor in case of doubt.  Professor & Head of Department of Endocrine & Breast Surgery; the Chief Medical Superintendent at SGPGIMS, Lucknow, India, and convener of the SGPGI Breast Health Program. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Recording of the below Web-utorials is available for current BSI Members only.